Say Goodbye to the Old Site
We’re taking down the prior dealer center on Friday May 1st. The URL will redirect users to the new site found at
If you haven’t registered already, now is a great time to create an account in the new Dealer Center. This is where you & your dealers can access online learning courses, marketing materials, and more.

New Class Added
The top load washer general product training course is now live on the Dealer Center. In this course, you & your dealers will learn about the features, and benefits of TR and TC washers and how to handle customer objections effectively.
Log in now to take the class. It has been added to your class list.
Social Posts for May
Dealer social media posts are available for May on the new Marketing on Demand platform. Topics/Images include the stain removal, electronic controls, dryer features and the TR Legend. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your dealers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for.