Retailer Blog Posts for December
New blog content for December is now available for download. This unique content is intended to be shared directly on retailer websites and social channels. This month, we have three blog posts and supporting social posts with images. The blog topics include preventing unnecessary repairs, winter stains and when to buy a new washing machine. The files can be found on the Dealer Center in the Marketing On-Demand section of the site. Retailers can search the word “blog” to quickly find the files.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
Social Posts for December
December social media posts are now available on the Marketing On-Demand section of the Dealer Center. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your retailers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for. This month’s topics include packing tips, stain removal, Legend video and Good Housekeeping.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.