Each month we add a PDF version of the monthly updates. Here is the October file. Please print and use as a reference tool on your calls and visits with dealers.
Social Posts for November
Our social media posts for November are available on the Marketing OnDemand section of the Retailer Center. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your retailers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
Consumer Reports
We have renewed our license agreement with Consumer Reports and have updated our content on the The Speed Queen Difference page and added an updated pdf file, which can be found on the site.
Speed Queen® Home Joins TikTok
Speed Queen is now on TikTok, a popular short-form video social media platform with over 80 million monthly active users in the US. Our latest video achieved over 152K views in just one week! This platform gives us a chance to be in front of an audience that may have not heard about us before now.
In effort to raise awareness, we have kicked off a $1,000 contest for entrants who follow Speed Queen on TikTok and post a TikTok video about pet hair and/or their pet using #PetHairDontCare and #SpeedQueenContest. In addition, for every entry we will donate $100 to Best Friends Animal Society, up to $25,000. The contest runs through November 21, 2021. Official rules for the contest can be found here.
To become one of our followers, look for us at @speedqueen_home or click here.
MAP and MSRP Price Catalogs
The new MAP and MSRP price catalogs are now available on the Retailer Center. Suspended models are marked and reflect 2021 price information for reference only. Suspended model price does not reflect future price or availability.
For your reference, speedqueen.com will show suspended models as “Temporarily unavailable” starting December 1. A link will be included to a document explaining the decision to suspend the models.