We have updated and replaced the old catalog, which had the incorrect 15-digit model numbers. The new product catalogs can be found on the Dealer Center.
June Price Catalogs
The June price catalogs are now available for retailers and can be found on the Dealer Center.
Platinum Dealer POS and Shirt Redemption
The Platinum Dealer POS and polo shirt redemption cards have been shipped to distributor warehouses. Keep an eye out if you haven’t already received them.
Retailer Center Activity
Social Posts for May
As a reminder, our social media posts related to the dryer launch are available on the Marketing On-Demand section of the Retailer Center. We also have additional posts for the month of May. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your retailers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for. We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
Dealer Blog Post for May
New Blog content for May is now available for download. This unique content is intended to be shared directly on retailer websites and social channels. This month we have one blog on the five best TikTok laundry hacks. The file can be found on the Retailer Center in the Marketing OnDemand section of the site. Dealers can search the word “blog” to quickly find the files. We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
April 2021 Monthly Update
Each month we add a PDF version of the monthly updates. Here is the April file. Please print and use as a reference tool on your calls and visits with dealers.
Speed Queen Dryer Case Study
Speed Queen is known for rigorously testing its product, but more recently our DR7 underwent the ultimate challenge. We placed our new DR7 in commercial environments like the Great Pyrenees Rescue of Wisconsin and Custom Canines Service Dog Academy in Madison, Wis. to put it to the test. Read about their experience and how they saved time and resources by using the new pet feature. Click on the links below to access and read the case studies:
Dealer Center Activity
New Class: All About Sanitizing Dryers
The All About Sanitizing Dryers course is now available on the Dealer Center.
In this course, we’ll introduce Speed Queen sanitizing dryers. You will learn each model’s value proposition, key features, and product improvements.
This course covers the following learning objectives:
- Detail the value propositions of the sanitizing dryers
- Explain the key features of the sanitizing dryers
- List the product improvements made to the sanitizing dryers
Log in now to take the class and become an expert on the new dryer line. It has been added to your class list.
Dealer Blog Post for April
New Blog content for April is now available for download. This unique content is intended to be shared directly on dealer websites and social channels. This month we have one post on common laundry problems. The files can be found on the Dealer Center in the Marketing On-Demand section of the site. Dealers can search the word “blog” to quickly find the files.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
Social Posts for April
April social media posts are now available on the Marketing On-Demand section of the Dealer Center. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your dealers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for. This month’s topics include a customer review, National Pet Day post, a video of the TR7 delayed start feature and more.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
March 2021 Monthly Update
Each month we add a PDF version of the monthly updates. Here is the March file. Please print and use as a reference tool on your calls and visits with dealers.
Digital Launch Kit Now Live
We are giving retailers a reason to talk dryers, visit our digital launch kit to learn how our new dryer features are meeting consumer needs. The digital kit highlights our new features and includes product introduction videos and downloadable marketing assets.
Retailers will also have the opportunity to learn about our new dryers at our upcoming virtual shows. We will be hosting training sessions at the Nationwide Virtual Show on March 16-18 and BrandSource Virtual Show on March 23-25.
The digital kit can be shared with your retailers now. Our announcement to consumers is planned for April 15.
Simplified Registration Process for the Dealer Center
As a reminder, we have simplified the registration process to help retailers access the information provided to them quicker and easier. As of now, the company code required to register as a new user in the Dealer Center will be the dealer branch telephone number, without any dashes, or spaces.
Retailer Name: ALS Laundry4U
Retailer Phone Number: (920) 748-3121
Company Code for Registration: 9207483121