We have created two editable truck wraps that feature our TR5 and TR7, with the messaging of durability and performance. The truck wrap artwork is available on Marketing OnDemand to customize and download. With the sharable artwork link, vendors can also access the artwork and download.
Dealer Center Activity
Dealer Blog Post for March
New Blog content for March is now available for download. This unique content is intended to be shared directly on dealer websites and social channels. This month, we have one post on five frequently asked laundry questions and a supporting social post with images. The files can be found on the Dealer Center in the Marketing OnDemand section of the site. Dealers can search the word “blog” to quickly find the files.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
Social Posts for February
March social media posts are now available on the Marketing OnDemand section of the Dealer Center. All post options are tagged to “Social Media.” So, your dealers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for. This month’s topics include America’s favorite cleaning task graphic, the legendary TR7 and DR7, and more.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
February 2021 Monthly Update
Each month we add a PDF version of the monthly updates. Here is the February file. Please print and use as a reference tool on your calls and visits with dealers.
New Legend Webpage
For 2021, we have updated our Legend webpage. The update includes a new look and a shift from focusing on the TR7 to highlighting our legendary TR7 and DR7 laundry pair. This year, we’ll continue testing the TR7 with “ruff” challenges. Stay tuned and visit the site today to see the new and improved design.
Dealer Center Help Button
A ‘help’ button has been enabled on the dealer center– both within the platform and on the login screen. The users can now interact with administrators directly if they run into issues.
December Legend Toy Giveaway Winner
The winner of the TR7 and DR7 pair for our December Legend giveaway is Steve Brown from Washougal, Washington. He has selected the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society as his organization of choice to receive a $1,000 donation.
2021 Speed Queen Equipment Expert Badge
As a reminder, our 2021 Speed Queen Equipment Expert Badge program finishes on Feb. 28, 2021. If the necessary coursework is completed by the date listed above, retail sales associate will receive a free Speed Queen branded-polo shirt.
Dealer Center Activities
Dealer Blog Post for February
New Blog content for February is now available for download. This unique content is intended to be shared directly on dealer websites and social channels. This month we have one deep cleaning blog post and supporting social post with images. The files can be found on the Dealer Center in the Marketing On-Demand section of the site. Dealers can search the word “blog” to quickly find the files.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.
Social Posts for February
February social media posts are now available on the Marketing On-Demand section of the Dealer Center. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your dealers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for. This month’s topics include fabric softener, laundry stripping tips and more.
We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content
December 2020 Monthly Update
Each month we add a PDF version of the monthly updates. Here is the December file. Please print and use as a reference tool on your calls and visits with dealers.
Good Housekeeping Digital Article
Good Housekeeping has published the digital version of the article that features the Speed Queen TR7. Find the online article here or in the November issue of Good Housekeeping, on newsstands now. Also, we have Good Housekeeping web banners available to download on the Dealer Center in the Marketing OnDemand section.