Dealer Contest Now through June 12

Legend Streaming Channel Dealer Contest

Dealers can share the legend streaming channel for a chance to win.

Don’t forget that our sweepstakes runs from May 11 through June 12 for consumers. Consumers are invited to visit the website contest page and enter to win a washer and dryer set by entering in their information and what they’d like to see Speed Queen® wash next.

To encourage dealers to also promote this contest, we’re also holding a giveaway for our dealers. The winning dealer will select a local charity, who will choose a family in need to donate the washer and dryer to and all the publicity that goes along with it.

Here is How to Win:

The dealer with the most engagement (likes, comments, shares) on their Speed Queen® Legend posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on June 12th will be the winner.

  • Dealer can either write their own posts or share posts from Speed Queen’s page with #SpeedQueenLegend and a link to on their own social media pages
  • The hashtag typed exactly as: #SpeedQueenLegend is crucial to be included in this contest. Our software looks for all mentions of this hashtag across social media channels in order to determine the winner. Using this in your post text is the only way we will be able to see you are posting about this sweepstakes
  • We will track publicly available data, so if you post from a private page, it won’t count toward your total engagement
  • Dealer can post as many times as they’d like during the sweepstakes period, as long as they include the hashtag and link
  • We encourage creativity and may even feature some of our favorite posts by dealers on our page

The winning dealer will be announced the week of June 15th.

The Legend Streaming Channel Update

Everyone’s Favorite – Billiard Balls – Are Back

Dealers have already watched billiard balls wash for more than 800 hours – Now we’re giving consumers a chance to see how our washers hold up with the same billiard ball load. Don’t forget to share this with your dealers and encourage them to tune in and watch at

Dealer Center Activity

New Class Added

The Speed Queen® vs. Maytag Competitive Comparison course is now available on the Dealer Center. In this course, you & your dealers will learn the difference between Speed Queen® TR7 and Maytag MVWP575 components and the superior features of the Speed Queen®. A supporting printable sales tool is also available in the course.

Log in now to take the class. It has been added to your class list.

Dealer Blog Posts for June

New Blog content for June is now available for download. This unique content is indented to be shared directly on dealer websites and social channels. This month we have two blog posts and supporting social posts with images. The files can be found on the Dealer Center in the Marketing On-Demand section of the site. Dealers can search the word “blog” to quickly find the files.

We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.

Dealer Social Media Posts for June

June social media posts are now available on the Marketing On-Demand section of the Dealer Center. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your dealers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for.

This month’s topics include how to prevent fading, features our durable front load washer, gives a laundry tip for the proper use of detergent, and highlights our Confidence Plus extended warranty.

We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content

April 2020 Update

Each month we add a PDF version of the monthly updates. Here is the April file. Please print and use as a reference tool on your calls and visits with dealers.

April 2020

New COVID-19 Content Resource

We’re ramping up our content marketing game to help our independent dealers.

Let’s face it, consumers are spending more time than ever before at home and online. We’re working to ensure Speed Queen stays top of mind, all while providing more benefits to our independent dealers.

The cadence for posts on has increased. Over the past month, we’ve shared several new fun and educational posts. We encourage dealers to share this content from their own social channels.

We’ve also started a new resource for dealers that supplies unique content indented to be shared directly to their own websites and social channels. Each month we will share up to three topics including blog posts, supporting social posts and images. The files can be found on the Dealer Center in the Marketing On-Demand section of the site. We also share with both BrandSource and Nationwide Marketing Group – for faster access and posting of the content.

April files are available now for the following topics:

  • Tips for making laundry day fun for kids)
  • The facts about towels and how often you should wash them
  • Cleaning advice for washing pillows

Legend Streaming Channel Goes Public

Hockey Puck image

With so many consumers captive at home and upping their screen time – we couldn’t think of a better time to take our streaming channel live. There may not be live sporting events on T.V. but we’re on day 20 of the hockey game happening inside our TR7.

You’ll see more activity on our social channels about this – tune in to see what people think we should wash next.

As a reminder, the streaming channel is live at

Dealer Center News

Say Goodbye to the Old Site
We’re taking down the prior dealer center on Friday May 1st. The URL will redirect users to the new site found at

If you haven’t registered already, now is a great time to create an account in the new Dealer Center. This is where you & your dealers can access online learning courses, marketing materials, and more.

Dealer Center Login Page

New Class Added
The top load washer general product training course is now live on the Dealer Center. In this course, you & your dealers will learn about the features, and benefits of TR and TC washers and how to handle customer objections effectively.

Log in now to take the class. It has been added to your class list.

Social Posts for May
Dealer social media posts are available for May on the new Marketing on Demand platform. Topics/Images include the stain removal, electronic controls, dryer features and the TR Legend. All post options are tagged to “Social Media” so your dealers can use the search option to quickly find the content they are looking for.

Recorded Service Webinars

Servicers and servicing dealers can now access recorded service webinars on Alliance Academy & the Dealer Center. To access the recordings, select Virtual Service Schools & Webinars from the menu.

Five webinars available now

  • TR series top load washer over
  • Dryer service training
  • Front load washer, dryer and stacked installation
  • TC5 series top load washer overview
  • Front load washer overview

  • Marketing on Demand

    We have a new way to order Speed Queen marketing materials. This quick and simple online ordering option is accessed through MyAlliance and replaces ordering through Genuine Parts. Step-by-step directions are available here. If you haven’t done so already, please share with anyone on your team who is responsible for ordering marketing materials.